When the Oakteam Comes to Town
Terry Anderson and
The Olympic Ass-Kickin Team

Live CD

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These song samples are AM Radio quality.
The songs on the CD are of much higher quality.

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if you are having trouble listening to these songs.

1. Weather or Not

2. Killin' Down In Dillon

3. Mr. Bus Driver Man

4. Daddy Had A Wreck
5. You Know Me

6. Sunday Dress

7. Hi N' Dry

8. Boyfriend 2

9. I Can Give You Everything

10. Gityoassupdaroad

11. Yesterday Clyde Virginia

12. Fat Lady In The Stands

13. $ Of An Education

14. Feel A Drunk

15. College Girls

16. $100 A Week

17. Livin' With The Pain

18. Thunderbird

19. Check Please

20. Church Folks

21. 37 Miles In Reverse

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